Christos Chalkias Editor

Dr. George P. Petropoulos is Assistant Professor in Geoinformatics at the Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens Greece. His research focuses on the exploitation of geoinformation technology & geospatial data analysis techniques in geographical and environmental applications. He is author/co-author of over 110 articles, 40 book chapters, and has edited 6 books. He has developed collaborations with key scientists in his area of specialisation globally and his research & teaching work has received international recognition via several significant awards and research funding. Dr. Christos Chalkias is professor of Applied Geography and GIS in Harokopio Univeristy of Athens, Department of Geography. He is a former Chair of the Department and is currently Vice Rector of Research, Development and Life Lind Education in Harokopio University of Athens. Dr. Chalkias has over 25 years of experience specializing in education and research in Geographical Information Systems and science, geoinformatics, digital cartography, applied geography and spatial analysis in both natural and human environments. He has published hundreds of papers in major scientific journals, conference proceedings as well as books and book chapters. Over the last 25 years he has participated in over 40 research projects with major contributions to various GIS applications.