The Value of Critique
2 contributors - Paperback
Dominik Finkelde is Professor of Epistemology and Contemporary Philosophy at the Munich School of Philosophy. He publishes on contemporary philosophy and German Idealism, especially on Hegel, Kant, Lacan, Frege, Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Žižek and Badiou. Christoph Menke is Professor for Practical Philosophy at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. His research focuses on political and legal philosophy, theories of subjectivity, ethics and aesthetics. Slavoj Žižek is Professor at the Institute for Sociology and Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and the International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London, UK. His recent publications include Hegel in a Wired Brain (2020), Sex and the Failed Absolute (2019), Disparities (2016), and Antigone (2016), all published by Bloomsbury.