Tradition, Democracy and the Townscape of Kyoto
Christoph Brumann - Paperback
Rupert Cox: (important publications) 'Is there a Japanese Way of Playing" in Japan at Play: The ludic and logic of power eds Hendry and Ravieri (Routledge 2001) The Zen-Arts: An Anthropological Study of the Culture of Aesthetic Form in Japan (ROutledge, 2003) "Wagamama technology - An uncanny history of Japanese robot technology" in Japan as a model of Asian modernisation eds Raud Japan and the Cultures of Copying: Historical and anthropological approaches (Routledge) Christoph Brumann: (select list) Whose Kyoto? Machizukuri, Local Autonomy and Patonashippu in an Old City. In: Carola Hein & Philippe Pelletier (ed.) Cities, Autonomy, and Decentralization. London: Routledge. Writing for Culture: Why a Successful Concept Should Not Be Discarded. In: Robert L. Welsch & Kirk M. Endicott (eds.), Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Cultural Anthropology. (Second ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill (Reprint of 1999 Current Anthropology article). Copying Kyoto: The Legitimacy of Imitation in Kyoto's Townscape Debates. In: Rupert Cox (ed.) Japan and the Culture of Copying. London: RoutledgeCurzon. Stamm - Volk - Ethnizitat - Kultur: Die aktuelle Diskussion [Tribe - People - Ethnicity - Culture: The Current Debate]. In: Sabine Rieckhoff & Ulrike Sommer (eds.) Auf der Suche nach Identitaten: Volk - Stamm - Kultur - Ethnos. Internationale Tagung 8.-9.12.2000, Leipzig [In Pursuit of Identities: People- Tribe - Culture - Ethnos]. (British Archaeological Reports, International Series.) Oxford. Writing for Culture: Why a Successful Concept Should Not Be Discarded. Pp. 43-77 in: Adam Muller (ed.), Concepts of Culture: Arts, Politics, and Society, Calgary: University of Calgary Press (Reprint of 1999 Current Anthropology article). Kyotos Dilemma: Das Stadtbild als commons [Kyoto's Dilemma: The Townscape as Commons]. In: Werner Pascha & Cornelia Storz (eds.) Wirkung und Wandel von Institutionen: Das Beispiel Ostasien [Institutional Effects and Institutional Change: The Case of East Asia], pp. 133-168. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius. Der urbane Raum als offentliches Gut: Kyoto und die Stadtbildkonflikte [Urban Space as a Public Good: Kyoto and the Townscape Conflicts]. Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie 129:183-210. Intentional Communities in Japan. In: Karen Christensen & David Levinson (eds.) Encyclopedia of Community, vol. 2, pp. 739-743. Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage. "All the Flesh Kindred That Ever I See": A Reconsideration of Family and Kinship in Utopian Communes. Comparative Studies in Society and History 45:395-421.