Christine N Michael Author

Dr. Nicholas D. Young has worked in diverse educational roles for over twenty years, including serving as a director of student services, principal, graduate professor, dean, and superintendent of schools. He holds numerous degrees from Austin Peay State University, Westfield State University, Western New England University, Union Institute & University, and American International College, including a Ph.D. in educational administration and an Ed.D. in psychology. Dr. Young has published widely, recently co-authoring Collapsing Educational Boundaries from Preschool to Ph.D.: Building Bridges Across the Educational Spectrum, Learning Style Perspectives: Impact In the Classroom (3rd edition), and Transforming Special Education Practices: A Primer for School Administrators and Policy Makers. Dr. Christine N. Michael is a thirty-year educational veteran with a variety of professional experiences. She holds degrees from Brown University, Rhode Island College, Union Institute & University, and the University of Connecticut, where she earned a Ph.D. in education and human development and family relations. Previous work has included middle and high school teaching, higher education administration, college teaching, educational consulting, literacy development, Head Start, Upward Bound, GED preparation, and the federal Trio programs. She is currently the Program Director of Low Residency Programs at American International College.