Christine Böhmer Author

Christine Böhmer is a vertebrate paleobiologist with expertise in anatomy, evolutionary developmental biology(EvoDevo) and functional morphology. She graduated from the Technische Universitat in Munich (BSc) and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat in Munich (MSc) (Germany). After a visiting fellowship at the University of Chicago (USA), she went back to Germany and earned her doctoral degree from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat (PhD) in 2013 with summa cum laude. Subsequently, Christine spent one year as postdoctoral researcher at the RIKEN Institute in Kobe (Japan). Since 2015, she works as Postdoc at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris (France). In 2019, she was a visiting professor for vertebrate paleobiology at the University of Vienna (Austria). Recently, Christine was awarded a Marie-Skldowska Curie fellowship from the European Commission.

Jean-Christophe Theil. Interested in animals, anatomy and osteology since his childhood he started an osteological collection leading him to learn more about animals. Re-assembling skulls and skeletons of all kinds of vertebrates is the crossing of a scientific and artistic process that he has come to love. During his studies, he met Anthony Herrel who introduced him to the world of muscles. After earning a Master’s degree in Systematics, Evolution and Paleontology at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, he joined the FUNEVOL team as temporary dissection worker and bone preparator. He is very happy to combine his understanding of both muscles and bones which are very complementary.

Anne-Claire Fabre is an evolutionary biologist and functional morphologist principally interested in shape evolution. Her research on macroevolution is highly integrative, linking different research areas in biology in order to understand the evolution of the shape of a structure in relation to development, function and behavior. She earned her PhD from University College London and did postdocs as a Fondation Fyssen fellow at Duke University (USA) and as a Marie-Sklodowska Curie fellow at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (France). She is currently working as a research co-investigator at the Natural History Museum (UK).

Anthony Herrel is a research director of the CNRS working at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle. His main interests are the evolution of the vertebrate feeding and locomotor systems. He is by training a comparative anatomist with a keen interest in functional morphology and biomechanics. He earned his PhD from the University of Antwerp in Belgium and did postdocs at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, Northern Arizona University, Tulane University and Harvard University in the US before landing a job at the CNRS. He now runs the Function and Evolution team of the UMR7179 at the Museum in Paris.