Pelvic Floor, Perineal, and Anal Sphincter Trauma During Childbirth
3 contributors - Set / collection
Abdul H Sultan is a Consultant Obstetrician and UroGynaecologist whose pioneering work on the effects of childbirth on the anal sphincters led to a landmark publication in the New England Journal of Medicine and a Doctorate. His work highlighted the deficiencies in training of doctors and midwives in detecting and repairing injuries to the perineum and anal sphincter after childbirth. He had published extensively and has co-produced the first comprehensive textbook on perineal and anal sphincter trauma in 2007 and in 2021.. He has published around300 peer reviewed papers and chapters and is the co-director of the popular international Perineal Trauma and Pelvic Floor Ultrasound courses. He was previously awarded the prestigious overall “UK Hospital Doctor of the Year” award, He was the President of the Section of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Royal Society of Medicine (2015-2016) and is honorary Reader at St. George’s University of London. He has just published another textbook:Santoro GA, Wieczorek AP, Sultan AH (eds). Pelvic Floor Disorders. Springer Verlag: 2021
Ranee Thakar is a Subspecialist in Urogynaecology and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Croydon University Hospital and honorary senior lecturer at St. George’s University of London. She is the current RCOG President and past President of the International Urogynecological Association. Ranee is the Lead for the urogynaecology service at her Trust which is accredited by the British Society of Urogynaecology. Ranee has experience across a wide range of areas within obstetrics and gynaecology including psychosexual medicine, female genital mutilation (FGM) and the prevention and management of obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASI). Ranee has an impressive academic profile with over 200 publications and has made a significant contribution to improving perineal trauma outcomes by training obstetricians and midwives to provide safer maternity care for women globally.She leads the national obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASI) Care Bundle Project focussing on reduction of OASI rates. Regionally, Ranee leads the Perinatal Pelvic Health Project and Urogynaecology network for South-West London, developing multi-disciplinary collaboration with urologists, midwives, physiotherapists, nurses and GPs.
Dr. Christina Lewicky-Gaupp is fellowship-trained and board-certified in Obstetrics & Gynecology and Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery. She completed her Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery fellowship at the University of Michigan after completing an Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency at University of Chicago. She is a Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Dr. Lewicky-Gaupp founded one of the first maternal recovery clinics in the United States and is the Medical Director of the University of Chicago Peripartum Evaluation and Assessment of the Pelvic Floor around Delivery (PEAPOD) Clinic. Her research interests focus on maternal birth trauma and she has published over 80 peer-reviewed pap