Multicriteria and Clustering
3 authors - Paperback
Zacharoula Andreopoulou has a BS in Mathematics, a BS in Forestry & Natural Environment, a PhD in Forest Informatics, all from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where she is currently an Associate Professor and Head of Local Computer Network in the Sector of Planning and Development of Natural Resources, Department of Forestry and Natural Environment. Her research interests include green ICTs, database and DSS for regional sustainable development in natural resources and environmental protection. She is an active member in scientific societies and she has organised various international conferences and seminars. She is Executive Editor in International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management & Informatics, Associate Editor in Journal of Agricultural Informatics, member of Editorial Board in Journal of Environmental Protection & Ecology (IF), and Guest Editor in International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems. She has authored 6 books on Environmental Informatics and Sustainability issues in English, Greek and Italian.
Christiana Koliouska is an MSc Forester-Environmentalist and she is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Laboratory of Forest Informatics in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her scientific and research interests include ICT, web services, environmental policy, sustainable development, databases, strategic planning, decision support, e-commerce and e-marketing. She speaks fluent English, German and Italian. She has published her work in international journals and she has participated in national and international conferences. She is member of Hellenic and European scientific societies.
Constantin Zopounidis is Professor of Operations Research and Financial Engineering at Technical University of Crete (Greece), Distinguished Research Professor in Audencia Business School (France), and Senior Academician of both the Royal Academy of Doctors and the Royal Academy of Economics and Financial Sciences of Spain. He is Editor-in-Chief of Operational Research: An International Journal (Springer) and Book Series Editor of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (Springer). In recognition of his scientific work, in 2013 he has received the Edgeworth-Pareto prestigious Award from the International Society of Multicriteria Decision Making. He has edited and authored 95 books in international publishers and more than 500 research papers in scientific journals, edited volumes in operations research, and management science