Euripides: Herakles
Euripides - Paperback
Christian Wolff is a former Professor of Classics and Music at Dartmouth College, now a full-time composer and sometime performer. Born in Nice, France, he has lived and worked primarily in the United States since 1941, where he studied composition briefly with John Cage in 1950. He was a pioneering member of the "New York School" of composition in the 1950's and 60's and with Cage, Morton Feldman, Earle Brown and David Tudor produced a range of experimental music that maintains a notable and still evolving presence. Wolff has received awards and grants from the American Academy and National Institute of Arts and Letters, the Ford Foundation, DAAD Berlin, the Asian Cultural Council, the Fromm Foundation, the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts and the Mellon Foundation, and is a member of the Akademie der Kuenste in Berlin and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. George E. Lewis is Edwin H. Case Professor of American Music at Columbia University.