Christian Montag Author & Editor

Christian Montag received his diploma in psychology in September 2006. In 2009 he achieved his PhD degree on his psychobiological works testing Gray’s revised reinforcement sensitivity theory. In 2011 he got the venia legendi for psychology. Since September 2014 he is Professor for Molecular Psychology at Ulm University, Germany. Since 2016 he is also Visiting Professor at the NeuScan-Lab/Key Laboratory for Neuroinformation, UESTC in Chengdu, China.  
Research Interests: Christian Montag is interested in the molecular genetics of personality and emotions / affective neuroscience. He combines molecular genetics with brain imaging techniques such as structural/functional MRI to better understand individual differences in human nature. Adding to this he conducts research in the fields of Neuroeconomics and (Internet) addiction including new approaches from Psychoinformatics.  

Harald Baumeister received his diploma in psychology in March 2001. In 2005 he achieved his PhD degree, in 2007 his license as a psychotherapist and in 2012 his venia legendi for psychology. Since September 2015 he is Professor for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy and head of the psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic at Ulm University, Germany.
Research Interests: Harald Baumeister´s research focusses on e-mental- and e-behavioral health. Over the last decade he developed and evaluated several Internet- and Mobile-based diagnostics- and intervention (IMI) solutions for mental and somatic primary and secondary care settings. Recent research aims to combine interdisciplinary competencies to level up IMI-and mental health research by bringing together informatics, engineering, biological, data science, psychological, psychotherapeutically and medical expertise. Big data based machine learning approaches, deep-learning based artificial intelligence mental- and behavioral health solutions and adaptive, smart sensing informed interventional approaches are some of his current fields of interest.