Chris Poullaos Editor

Chris Poullaos is an Associate Professor in Accounting at the University of Sydney, Australia. He has completed a PhD on the professionalization of accountancy in Australia at the University of New South Wales. His subsequent work on the professionalization of accounting in Australia, Britain, Canada, the Phillipines and South Africa has appeared in Abacus, Accounting Organizations and Society, Accounting Auditing and Accountability, Critical Perspectives on Accounting and in several monographs. Suki Sian is a chartered accountant and holds a PhD from the University of Aberdeen and an MSc in Accounting and Finance from the London School of Economics. She most recently lectured at Cardiff University, UK, where she was also a member of the Accounting History Group. She was awarded the Vangermeersch Manuscript Award in 2006 for her paper on the professionalization of accountancy in Kenya.