Chris Nicholson Author

Chris Nicholson PhD, is a Lecturer in The Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Essex. Formerly Therapeutic Services Manager at Donyland Lodge, a therapeutic community in Colchester, he has worked in a range of children's services for over 10 years. Chris is a Trustee of the Charterhouse Group of Therapeutic Communities and a Fellow of the International Institute of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. He is a regular speaker at bi-annual conferences on the poet and author Robert Graves. Michael Irwin MA, BLit, is Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Kent. Apart from his academic work, which has a particular emphasis on 18th and 19th century fiction, including books on Henry Fielding and Thomas Hardy, he has also published two novels and written, or translated, several opera libretti. Dr Kedar Nath Dwivedi MBBS, MD, DPM, FRCPsych, is a Visiting Professor at the London Metropolitan University and Director of the International Institute of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Formerly, he served as a Consultant Child Psychiatrist at Northampton General Hospital and has edited or co-edited several books including Meeting the Needs of Ethnic Minority Children – Including Refugee, Black and Mixed Parentage Children; Promoting the Emotional Well Being of Children and Adolescents and Preventing Their Mental Ill Health; and Group Work with Children and Adolescents, all published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers .