2 authors - Paperback
Chris Miskiewicz is an actor & comic book writer. He's the writer of the multi-award
winning comic book series, "Thomas Alsop" voted best mini-series of the year for its English &
Danish translated editions. His next graphic novel is “Grateful Dead Origins,” the first approved
biographical retelling of the legendary rock band’s early years, published by Rhino Records & Z2
Comics. As well as the science fiction adventure series, “This Is Where We Fall” - As an actor
Chris has appeared on CBS's "Bull," HBO's "Bored to Death," and USA Networks’ "White Collar.”
Vincent Kings is a Southern California-based illustrator and animator, though he is currently an
artist-in-residence at the Maison des Auteurs in Angoulême, France. His past work includes
illustrating Wynter, a digital-first title from New Worlds Comics, and cinematic layout at Telltale
Games, most recently on Batman: The Telltale Series,” and most recently a twelve page panted
original short story in Heavy Metal Magazine..