Chris Middleton Author & Editor

Chris Middleton has been researching social change and segmentation for the past decade. His background is in consumer research, strategic marketing and corporate planning and he spent some time as Board Director of the Sociovision Group – Europe’s leading socio-cultural institute. Most recently Chris, through his own company, Futures Coaching, has been helping individuals and companies to adjust to future challenges. Tim spent more than a decade in Fast Moving Consumer Goods, ending up as Client Services Director of the global advertising agency BBDO. He then became an entrepreneur, and co-founded a retail business that achieved a turnover of £17 million, and was called by the Venture Capital company 3i “a gem of a company.” After 13 successful years, the recession of 1992 caused a cash flow crisis that meant the company had to be sold for virtually nothing to secure the jobs of the 200 staff still working in it. Since then, as well as writing, Tim has built up a portfolio of interests. He set up, and Chairs, three Think Tanks for Chief Executives, including the Sports and Leisure Industry, with CEO’s from brands such as Nike, Reebok, and Adidas.