Chris Galloway Author & Editor

Lukasz Swiatek lectures in the School of the Arts and Media at the University of New South Wales in Sydney (Australia). He mainly undertakes research in communication and media studies, higher education, and cultural studies.

Marina Vujnovic is a Professor in the Department of Communication at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey (in the United States). Her work explores intersections between journalism and public relations, looking at issues of participation, activism, transparency, and ethics.

Chris Galloway teaches public relations on the Auckland (Aotearoa New Zealand) campus of Massey University. His research encompasses crisis communication, reputation management, and AI applications and their impacts.

Dean Kruckeberg (APR, Fellow PRSA) is a Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (in the United States). He is the author and co-author of many books, book chapters and articles about public relations, focusing on ethics and global public relations.