Chiara Fumagalli Author

Chiara Fumagalli is Associate Professor of Economics at Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan. Her research covers industrial organization, competition policy and corporate finance. Her research in these areas has been published in leading international academic journals, including The American Economic Review, The Journal of Financial Economics, and The Rand Journal of Economics. Massimo Motta is Research Professor at ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. He served as Chief Competition Economist at the European Commission (2013–2016), and has extensive experience in teaching competition policy and in advising competition agencies. His book Competition Policy: Theory and Practice (Cambridge, 2004) is the standard international reference on the economics of antitrust, and is used by teachers, scholars, and practitioners. Claudio Calcagno holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the European University Institute and has been working as a professional economist since 2004. He has advised clients across many jurisdictions and industries, on matters including abuse of dominance, agreements, mergers, market investigations, regulatory inquiries, private litigation and state aid.