Cheryl McEwan Editor & Author

Jane Pollard has published articles in journals such as Antipode, Area, the Journal of Economic Geography, Environment and Planning A, Geoforum, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers and Urban Studies. She sits on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Economic Geography, Geography Compass and Growth and Change. Cheryl McEwan is the author of Gender, Geography and Empire (2000) and Postcolonialism and Development (2008), and is co-editor of Postcolonial Geographies (2002). She is currently Editor (Development Section) of Geography Compass and sits of the Editorial Board of the RGS-IBG/Blackwell Book Series. Alex Hughes is Senior Lecturer in Economic Geography at Newcastle University in the UK. She is co-editor (with Suzanne Reimer) of Geographies of Commodity Chains (2004).