Cheryl Chow
James H. Chow, M.D., specializes in emergency and family medicine. Before he went into private practice 16 years ago, he was the director of the emergency department at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Chicago for seven years. As an emergency doctor at one of the busiest hospitals, he has encountered and treated almost every imaginable type of illness and injury. He is the founder, CEO, and president of multi-specialty clinics offering integrative medicine and diverse treatment modalities. In 1996, he helped set up a clinic in Beijing, China. Cheryl Chow holds a B.A. in psychology from Reed College and has been a freelance writer, editor, and journalist for 20 years, concentrating on health and social issues. She has a diverse writing background, having written for magazines, newspapers and Webzines. Chow is a published author whose works have appeared in such anthologies as Naming the Daytime Moon, The Broken Bridge, and Tokyo Confidential. She contributes weekly columns to the Mainichi Daily News, and has been the editor of Ikebana International Magazine. She is a translator of health and business topics, and also worked as a translation checker for major publications, including Newsweek Japan, National Geographic, and the The Washington