Cher Hill Author

Suzanne Smythe is Assistant Professor in Adult Literacy and Adult Education in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia. She is the author of several articles and book chapters related to community-based adult learning, policy and digital equity. Cher Hill is Assistant Professor of Professional Practice and an in-service teacher educator in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia. Margaret MacDonald is Associate Professor in Early Childhood Education in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia. With funding from a Canadian Foundation for Innovation grant, she researches young children's perspectives on environmental sustainability. Diane Dagenais is Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia. She and Kelleen Toohey launched ScribJab, a website and free iPad application that enables language learners to compose, illustrate and narrate bilingual stories in French, English or another language. Nathalie Sinclair is the Canada Research Chair in Tangible Mathematics Learning at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia. She is the author of several books, and the founding editor of the journal Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education. Kelleen Toohey is Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia. With Diane Dagenais, she has investigated the language learning affordances of videomaking with multilingual children.