Chase Cotton Author

Ishaani Priyadarshini, PhD, has authored book chapters and journal articles for SCIE-indexed journals. As a certified reviewer, she conducts peer review of research papers for IEEE, Elsevier, and Springer journals and is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Information Security and Privacy. She is a PhD candidate (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) at the University of Delaware, USA. Her areas of research include cybersecurity (authentication systems, cybersecurity ethics, and policies) and artificial intelligence.

Chase Cotton, PhD, CISSP, is Professor of Practice and Director of the University of Delaware Center for Intelligent CyberSecurity, USA. He is a successful researcher, telecommunications carrier executive, product manager, consultant, and educator for the technologies used in Internet and data services in the carrier environment. Dr. Cotton’s varied background includes communications research at Bellcore’s Applied Research Area, creating new algorithms and methods in bridging multicast and many forms of packet-based applications, including voice and video, traffic monitoring, transport protocols, custom VLSI for communications (protocol engines and content addressable memories), and gigabit networking. Past work also included assisting carriers worldwide as they started their Internet businesses, including Internet Service Providers (ISPs), hosting and web services, and the first large-scale commercial deployment of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) for consumer broadband services. In 2000, Dr. Cotton assumed research, planning, and engineering for Sprint’s global Tier 1 Internet provider, SprintLink. His research interests include cybersecurity and high-availability software systems with funding drawn from the NSF, ARL, CERDEC, JPMorgan Chase, and other industrial sponsors. Dr. Cotton currently consults on communications and Internet architectures for many carriers and equipment vendors worldwide.