Charlotte Taylor Author & Editor

Alan Partington is Professor of Political Linguistics at Bologna University, Italy. He is the author of Patterns and Meanings in Discourse (with Alison Duguid and Charlotte Taylor, 2013), The Linguistics of Laughter:A Corpus-Assisted Study of Laughter-talk at the White House (Routledge, 2007), Persuasion in Politics (with Charlotte Taylor, 2006) and The Linguistics of Political Argument (Routledge, 2003).

Charlotte Taylor lectures in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Sussex (UK) and is editor of CADAAD Journal. Her publications include Mock Politeness in English and Italian (2016), Patterns and Meanings in Discourse (with Alison Duguid and Alan Partington, 2013) and Persuasion in Politics (with Alan Partington, 2010).