Charlotte Mosey Author & Editor

Mark Patmore is a former senior lecturer in mathematical education in the School of Education at Nottingham Trent University and currently an associate lecturer at the University of Derby. He has also worked in teacher education with Bishop Grosseteste University and with training providers and provided subject knowledge courses for intending teachers of mathematics. Sarah Woodhouse is a freelance writer of mathematics assessments and resources. She is a former senior lecturer in mathematics education in the School of Education at Nottingham Trent University. Prior to this, she provided mathematics, statistics and numeracy support for students following a range of undergraduate courses at the university. Rebecca Petronzi is the English subject leader for Primary Initial Teacher Education programmes at the University of Derby. She is responsible for supporting students to develop their English subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge in preparation for their teaching and professional careers.  Charlotte Mosey is the leader for the BEd and MEdu courses for teacher education programmes at the University of Derby. She teaches a wide range of areas within the programme and specialises in the English and Humanities subjects.