A Minuet - Sheet Music for Voice and Piano - Op. 155 - No. 1 Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £9.99 Find out more
Fairy Day - Three Idylls for Female Chorus and Small Orchestra - Poems Written by William Allingham - Op.131 2 authors - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
The Bard - A Pindaric Ode by Thomas Gray - Set to Music for Bass Solo, Chorus and Orchestra - Op.50 2 authors - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Fantasia and Toccata - In D-Minor for the Organ - Op.57 Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Bas for Lo I Raise Up - Sheet Music Arranged for Soprana, Alto, Tenor Charles Villiers Stanford - Sheet music £12.99 Find out more
The Revenge - A Ballad of the Fleet - Full Score for Mixed Chorus and Orchestra - Words by Alfred, Lord Tennyson - Op.24 2 authors - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Six Occasional Preludes - Set to Music for Organ - Op.182 Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
The Canterbury Pilgrims - Opera in Three Acts - Music Arranged for Voice, Mixed Chorus and Orchestra - Written by Gilbert À Beckett - Composed by C. V. Stanford 2 authors - Paperback £14.99 Find out more
Merlin and the Gleam - Set to Music for Baritone Solo, Chorus and Orchestra - Op.172 Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Piano Trio - Per Aspera Ad Astra - No.3 in a - Set to Music for Pianoforte, Violin and Violoncello - Op. 158 Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Stabat Mater - A Symphonic Cantata - For Soli, Chorus and Orchestra - Sheet Music for Pianoforte - Op.96 Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Sonata - Music Set for Clarinet or Viola and Pianoforte - Op.129 Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Te Deum Laudamus - Together with the Office for the Holy Communion - Morning Service in a - Sheet Music for Voice and Organ Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Symphony No.4 in F Major - A Pianoforte Arrangement for Four Hands by Charles Wood - Op.31 2 authors - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Twelve Concert Variations Upon an English Theme, Down Among the Dead Men - Sheet Music for Pianoforte and Orchestra - Op.71 Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
An Irish Idyll - In Six Miniatures for Voice with Pianoforte Accompaniment - The Words from Songs of the Glens of Antrim by Moira O'Neill - Op.77 2 authors - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Songs of the Sea - Drake's Drum, Outward Bound, Devon O Devon, Homeward Bound, the Old Superb 2 authors - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Mercia Eroica - From Four Intermezzi for Organ - Sheet Music for Organ - Op.189 Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Songs of the Fleet - Sailing at Dawn, the Song of the Sou'-Wester, the Middle Watch and the Little Admiral - For Baritone Solo and Chorus - Poems by Henry Newbolt - Op.117 2 authors - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
St Patrick's Breastplate - Hymn of the Ancient Irish Church - Words by Cecil Frances Alexander - Sheet Music Arranged for Mixed Chorus and Organ in G Minor 2 authors - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
At the Abbey Gate - In C Major - Poem by C. J. Darling - Set to Music for Baritone Solo (or Male Chorus), Chorus and Orchestra - Op.177 2 authors - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Magnificat - For Eight-Part Chorus and a Capella - Op.164 Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Mary's Song- The Lute Song - Sheet Music Set for Voice and Piano - Poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson 2 authors - Paperback £9.99 Find out more
Second Sonata - In the Key of D Minor - Music Arranged for Pianoforte and Cello - No. 2 - Op.39 Charles Villiers Stanford - Paperback £12.99 Find out more
Four Irish Dances - Music Arranged for Piano by Percy Grainger 2 authors - Paperback £12.99 Find out more