The European Union and South East Europe
3 authors - Paperback
Andrew Taylor is Professor of Politics at the University of Sheffield. He has written a number of articles on South East Europe, focussing on Kosovo. Other relevant publications include work on state theory (‘The State’ in V. Bryson & G. Blakeley (eds.), Marx and Other Four-Letter Words (Pluto Press, 2005, 61-80) and governance (‘Governance’, in V.Bryson & G. Blakeley (eds.), Apologies for Capitalism Pluto Press, 2002, 35-53). He is currently working on a book on the concept of state failure, which is under contract from Macmillan-Palgrave. Andrew Geddes is Professor of Politics and Head of the Department of Politics at the University of Sheffield. He has published extensively on European politics with a particular specialism in the politics of migration. Publications include Migration and Mobility in the EU (with Christina Boswell, Palgrave 2010, forthcoming), Immigration and European Integration: Beyond Fortress Europe?, Manchester University Press, 2008, 2nd edition), The Politics of Migration and Immigration (Sage, 2003), The European Union and British Politics (Palgrave, 2004), Immigration and Welfare: Challenging the Borders of the Welfare State, edited with Michael Bommes, Routledge, 2000). Charles Lees is Professor of Politics in the Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies, University of Bath. He has written extensively on comparative politics, policy, and methodology. He is currently Managing Editor of the Journal of Common Market Studies and a member of the Multi-level Governance Group at the Centre for International Policy Research at the University of Sheffield.