Charles Cohn Author

Charles Cohn is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the IC Packaging and Interconnection Organization at Agere Systems. He has been with AT&T /Lucent/Agere for 21 years, and is currently lead technologist for Ageres operations in this field. He has conducts many seminars in advanced IC packaging and interconnection, the U.S. and overseas, and has been awarded ten US patents Charles A. Harper is president of Technology Seminars, Inc., an organization devoted to presenting seminars on electronic packaging and related subjects to the electronics industry. He is a graduate of The John Hopkins University School of Engineering , Baltimore, MD., and a past member of the engineering faculty of The Johns Hopkins University. He is active in numerous professional societies, including the International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (of which he is a past president), the National Electronic Packaging Conference (NEPCON), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He is series editor of McGraw-Hill's Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Technology Series and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Electronic Packaging and Production magazine.