Charles Baudelaire (1821–67) is most famous for his groundbreaking collection of verse The Flowers of Evil, but his essays, translations and prose poems have been equally influential.
The Flowers of Evil
Charles Baudelaire - Paperback
Charles Baudelaire - Hardback
Complete Poems: Charles Baudelaire
Charles Baudelaire: The Complete Verse
Paris Spleen, and La Fanfarlo
The Salon of 1846
2 authors - Paperback
Paris Spleen
Les Fleurs Du Mal
Das Gedicht vom Haschisch
The Flowers of Evil & Paris Spleen
Charles Baudelaire Paris Scenes
Les Fleurs Du Mal (The Flowers of Evil)
Les paradis artificiels
The Poetry of Charles Baudelaire
The Poem of Hashish
Invitation to the Voyage
La Fanfarlo
Baudelaire Poems
Selected Poems from Les Fleurs du mal
Histoires Extraordinaires - Edition bilingue
Edgar Allan Poe - Paperback