Youth Voice Project
2 authors - Paperback
Stan Davis has worked as a child and family therapist in residential treatment, community mental health, and private practice. During his years as a therapist, he was active in building positive community support for targets of child abuse, rape, and domestic abuse. Stan became a school guidance counselor in the mid-1980s and began to focus on bullying prevention in the late 1990s. Stan trains educators, parents, and students nationwide in effective bullying prevention. He is a certified Olweus bullying prevention consultant and a founding member of the International Bullying Prevention Association. Stan also maintains, an informative Website for concerned parents and educators.
Dr Charisse L. Nixon received her PhD in developmental psychology from West Virginia University and is currently an associate professor of psychology at Penn State Erie, USA. Her primary research interest focuses on all forms of peer mistreatment, including both relational and physical mistreatment. Charisse is currently studying effective prevention and intervention efforts designed to reduce peer mistreatment and its associated harm. Building students’ resiliency is a core tenet of her work. She continues to train educators and students throughout the United States and Canada. Charisse’s work has been featured in many national venues, as well as published in several peer-reviewed journals. She is coauthor of the book Girls Wars: 12 Strategies That Will End Female Bullying.