Chantal Nève-Hanquet Author

Chantal Nève-Hanquet's international career in psychology has encompassed psychodrama, Jungian analysis and family therapy. During fifty years working with groups, she has significantly contributed to the spread of action methods. She is a member of several international associations, including IAGP and EFTA, and a founding member and treasurer of the Belgian-based FEPTO which promotes action methods throughout Europe.

Agathe Crespel trained as a psychologist and practitioner of action methods in Belgium and France. Over the past fifteen years she has facilitated groups in various professional settings, making extensive use of action methods for supervision, coaching and the enhancement of creativity.

The authors, both members of the Brussels-based Centre for Psychosociological Training and Intervention (CFIP), have extended their practice to Italy, France, Bulgaria, Greece, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey and the United States through numerous congresses and workshops.