Social and Sustainability Marketing
5 authors - Hardback
Jishnu Bhattacharyya received his engineering education from the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology in West Bengal, India, where he earned a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He holds a Master of Business Administration from the Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, India. Prior to the Ph.D., he has worked in a scientific research position at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, India. Before moving to the University of Nottingham's Ph.D. in Marketing, he participated in research coursework at the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India. He has also served as a visiting consultant (research) for a social science research project. In the past, he was engaged in short-term research projects at the IIT Indore, India, and the IIT Delhi, India, in the capacity of visiting students. With an interdisciplinary background, he is actively engaged in research and interested in marketing science. He enjoys asking practically-motivated and theoretically-inspired questions along several inter-related research streams, including but not limited to sustainability communication, socially responsible consumption, social marketing, and disruptive technologies in Marketing, particularly Artificial Intelligence. He often takes inspiration from the natural sciences in marketing research. He is passionate about the value of integrating research into teaching and bringing positive social change through the art and science of marketing. He has won awards for his academic and research excellence, including the best paper award. He serves as a reviewer for many leading marketing and business management journals. He has co-edited two books, co-authored a book, and published journal articles and case studies. Dr Manoj Kumar Dash has published more than 67 research paper in various journals of International and National repute. He is the author of five research books in International repute titled “Applying Predictive Analytics in Service Sector” , “Intelligent Techniques and Modeling Applications in Marketing Analytics”, and “Fuzzy Optimization and Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Digital Marketing” all published in IGI Global USA , “Applied Demand Analysis” and “Think New-Think Better: A case study of Entrepreneurship” published by Serial publication India and two text book on “Managerial Economics” published by Global Professional Publication United Kingdom, and edited five books till date. Beside regular faculty in Indian Institute of Information technology and Management Gwalior, he is also visiting faculty in Indian Institute of Management Indore Adjunct faculty in Lancaster University United Kingdom, visiting professor at Symbiosis Institute of Operation Management Nashik and G D Goenka World institute Gurgaon. He had conducted 26 Faculty Development Pogremame sponsored by AICTE, MHRD and IIITM on Multivariate Analysis, Econometrics, Research Methodology, Multi-Criteria Optimisation, Multivariate analysis in Marketing, SPSS software etc. He delivered lecture as resource person and Key note speaker in 67 pogramme organised by reputed institute in India, i.e;, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, IIITM Gwalior, ITS Mohan Nagar, SIOM Nashik, Utkal University and Berhampur University Orissa etc. He was involved as Chair Member in International Conference of Arts and Science held at Harvard University, Boston (USA), Five Research scholars awarded their Ph.D Degree under his able guidance, He visited two countries USA and Cyprus for presenting paper in international conferences. He can be reached by email at [email protected] Dr. Chandana Hewege holds a PhD in Management from the Monash University, a Master of Business Administration Degree and a BSc.(Bus Admn) Honours Degree from the University of Sri J'pura, Sri Lanka. Chandana's academic and professional experiences are predominantly centered on teaching, research and industry consultancy. He has published about 45 referred research papers and referred conference papers. Chandana's academic research encompasses a wide spectrum of research areas such as corporate social responsibility, management controls of transitional economies, marketing, logistics, international business and research methodology. Chandana is accredited as a teacher in higher education by the Staff Education and Development Association, United Kingdom (SEDA, UK). He possesses about 20 years of teaching experience undergraduate and postgraduate, and local as well as overseas. Chandana has won several awards for his academic and research excellence, including the best critical literature review award, Department of Management, Monash University; Emerald Literati Award-Social Responsibility Journal 2017; the Teaching Execellence Award by the Faculty of Business & Law, Swinburne University of Technology: the best reviewer 2007 award, Contemporary Management Research Journal; and the best student Gold Medal award, Department of Business Administration, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. Chandana served the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) journal ranking panel in 2013 for Marketing,Tourism, Logistics and commercial services research areas. Dr. Sathyaprakash Balaji Makam (M S Balaji) is an Associate Professor in Marketing at Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS). Prior to joining NUBS on September 2015, he held a Lecturer (research) position at Taylor's Business School, Taylor's University, Malaysia, and Assistant Professor position at IBS Hyderabad, IFHE University, India. He was a visiting research scholar at Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, USA between August 2007 and July 2008. Prior to the academic career, he worked in the Healthcare Industry for more than 3 years in India. Dr. Balaji has published his research in leading marketing and business management journals including Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Information and Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Service Industries Journal and others. He received the AIMS-IMT Outstanding Young Management Researcher Award in 2012 for his research contributions. He serves as a reviewer for many leading marketing and business management journals. He servings as an Associate Editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Business Administration and in Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. He can be reached at [email protected] Professor Lim Weng Marc is an Adjunct Professor of Swinburne Business School at Swinburne University of Technology Australia and a Professor and the Head of School of Business at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak. Both campuses offer AACSB-accredited business degrees. He holds a doctorate in business and economics from Monash University and post-doctorate certificates in leadership and pedagogy from Cornell University and Harvard University. His research interests include business, consumer, and government research. He has published in numerous A*/A-ranked journals such as European Journal of Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, and Marketing Theory, among others. He has also presented his work and led high-level policy discussions at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the World Economic Forum. Contact: @limwengmarc on Instagram and Twitter or his personal homepage at https://www.wengmarc.com. He can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected]