The Routledge Encyclopedia of the Chinese Language
Chan Sin-wai - Hardback
Laurence K. P. Wong, Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities and Affiliated Fellow of Lee Woo Sing College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, has published, in Chinese and English, more than thirty books and numerous journal articles. His translations (between Chinese and European languages) include a three-volume Chinese terza rima version of Dante’s La Divina Commedia (2003) and a two-volume Chinese version of Shakespeare’s Hamlet (2013).John C. Y. Wang is Emeritus Edward Clark Crossett Professor of Humanistic Studies in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Stanford University. He also at various times held a Distinguished Professorship at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy in Taipei, served as Head of the Division of Humanities at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and taught as Visiting Professor at The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and The National University of Singapore. His major publications cover fields ranging from early Chinese historical narratives to traditional Chinese fiction and drama, Chinese literary criticism, and Chinese language studies.Chan Sin-wai, Professor in the Department of Translation at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, is Director of the Centre for Translation Technology, Director of the MA in Computer-Aided Translation Programme, and Editor of the Journal of Translation Technology. He teaches Translation and Translation Technology. His research interests are in translation studies, computer-aided translation, and bilingual lexicography. He has published thirty-five books in forty-six volumes, including An Encyclopaedia of Translation and A Dictionary of Translation Technology.