Chamath Divarathne Author

Nemai Chandra Karmakar, PhD, is the lead researcher at the Monash Microwave, Antenna, RFID and Sensor Laboratory (MMARS) at Monash University, Australia. He received his PhD in ITEE from the University of Queensland, Australia, in February 1999. Dr. Karmakar is a pioneer in fully printable Chipless RFID tags and sensors, readers, signal processing, and smart antennas. He has published more than 350 scientific journal and conference articles, 9 books, 35 book chapters, and 9 patent applications.

Mohammad Zomorrodi, PhD, is a R&D engineer at RFS, Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Zomorrodi has served as a lecturer at various universities in Iran for more than 6 years. Hereceived his PhD at the Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering Department of Monash University in 2015. He has written several conference papers, journal articles and has worked on two books in the field.

Chamath Divarathne, PhD, is a design engineer at Unico Computer Systems Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Divarathnereceived his PhDat the Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering Department of Monash University in 2015. He is an alumni of Carnegie Mellon University from which he received his MSc in Information Networking.