Amphorae from the Kops Plateau (Nijmegen): trade and supply to the Lower-Rhineland from the Augustan period to AD 69/70
2 contributors - Paperback
Cèsar Carreras Monfort is currently senior lecturer in the field of Classical Archaeology at the Department of Antiquity Science at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) since 2011. Before, he was lecturer in the Department of Humanities of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) since 1997. He has a PhD in Ancient History (1995) from the Universitat de Barcelona, another PhD in Archaeology (1994) from Southampton University (United Kingdom) and a Master Science in Computer applications in archaeology (1991) from Southampton University (United Kingdom). He is currently involved in excavations at the Roman towns of Iesso (Guissona) and Iulia Libica (Llívia) and the Roman Republican fortress of Puig Castellar (Biosca). He has published many books and papers on amphorae found in Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain and now the Netherlands. ;
Joost van den Berg studied Ancient History and Roman Provincial Archaeology at the Radboud University of Nijmegen. Since then he has worked as curator for the archaeological collections of municipality of Nijmegen, the province of Gelderland and the Gallo-Roman Museum in Tongeren. He has also been employed as a Roman finds specialist for Radboud University and the Nijmegen archaeological service. Currently he is the curator for the archaeological collection of the province of Zeeland (Stichting Cultureel Erfgoed Zeeland) in Middelburg.