Under the Skin
2 contributors - Hardback
Dr Ceren ¨Ozpınar is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Brighton, History of Art and Design Programme. She was previously a British Academy Newton International Fellow at the University of Sussex (2015-17). Dr ¨Ozpınar's research focuses on contemporary art, art historiography, and feminist art and art histories since 1960 with a special interest in Turkey and the Middle East. Her first monograph, The Art Historiography in Turkey (1970-2010) was published in 2016, and the next, entitled Politics of Writing Art Histories: Narratives of Contemporary Art, Feminism and Women Artists from Turkey, is forthcoming from Oxford University Press in 2021. Dr Mary Kelly (née Healy) is a Lecturer in Contemporary Art History, Theory and Gallery Studies & Director of the MA in Global Gallery Studies at University College Cork, Ireland. She is also a Research Associate at the Centre for Gender and Women's Studies, Trinity College Dublin. She is an Irish Research Council Awardee and a Fulbright Scholar. Dr Kelly's research and teaching employ a comparative discourse analysis which bridges European Orientalism and postcolonial theories; women's art and feminisms; contemporary art from the Middle East and North Africa, and the role of fine art galleries in societies. Her publications include invited chapters with the British Museum (2019); journal articles published in Cultural & Social History (2018) and Women Studies (2015); and her forthcoming monograph is entitled French Women Orientalist Artists, 1861-1956: Cross-cultural Contacts and Depictions of Difference (Ashgate, Taylor & Francis).