Cédric Foussard Editor

Wendy O’Brien is Adjunct Associate Professor at Deakin University, and Legal Officer with the Global Programme on Violence Against Children at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in Vienna. Wendy publishes on child justice, violence against children, and children’s rights in the digital age. Wendy’s academic research is conducted in a personal capacity, and is not a reflection of the views of the institutions with which she is affiliated.

Cédric Foussard is an expert on justice for children, working at the international level. Foussard currently works for Terre des hommes Foundation as Advocacy and Global Learning Senior Advisor. For more than a decade he was Director of The International Juvenile Justice Observatory, an international not-for-profit organisation that promotes a global approach to child rights, especially for children in conflict with the law. Foussard is the lead organiser of the World Congresses on Justice for Children. He has contributed to several international and European publications on access to justice for children.