Fifty Years of Women in Mathematics
3 contributors - Hardback
Janet Beery is co-editor of Women in Mathematics: Celebrating the Centennial of the Mathematical Association of America (Springer, 2018) and is serving her second term as AWM Clerk on the AWM Executive Committee. Although trained as a group theorist, she is now a historian of mathematics specializing in early modern European mathematics. She edited Convergence, the MAA’s online journal on the history of mathematics and its use in teaching, from 2009 to 2019. Since earning the PhD in 1989, she has been a professor of mathematics at the University of Redlands, California.
Sarah Greenwald is co-editor of The Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society (Salem Press, 2011), Women in Mathematics: Celebrating the Centennial of the Mathematical Association of America (Springer, 2018), and a number of special issues of PRIMUS (2004, 2007, and 2019). She has won several awards, most recently an AWM Service Award. She is an author or co-author of a number of articles related to the history of underrepresented groups as well as the history of AWM, including “The Association for Women in Mathematics: How and Why It Was Founded, and Why It’s Still Needed in the 21st Century” (The Mathematical Intelligencer, 2015). She is associate editor of the AWM Newsletter and a Faculty Affiliate of Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies as well as a Professor of Mathematics at Appalachian State University.
Cathy Kessel was educated as a mathematician and has taught mathematics in various U.S. institutions of higher education, from Mills College to Ohio State University. During the 1990s, she made the shift from mathematics to mathematics education, auditing courses, and working on research projects at the School of Education at the University of California at Berkeley. This led to a career that has included editing reports, books, articles, and curriculum and standards documents. Recent projects are Progressions for the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the National Academies report Mathematics Curriculum, Teacher Professionalism, and Supporting Policies in Korea and the United States. She is a past president of the Association for Women in Mathematics, recipient of AWM’s Hay Award for contributions to mathematics education, and fellow of the AWM.