Catherine L Ward Editor

Peter Donnelly joined the University of St Andrews as Professor of Public Health Medicine in 2008. His research focuses on violence reduction and the evaluating gang member rehabilitation initiative in Glasgow, conducting pilot studies of technology aimed at reducing alcohol related violence, and exploring sports event related domestic abuse. Peter's other area of interest is in Health Systems; their organisation, funding, governance and accountability and how they can be optimised to maximise patient benefit and to reduce health inequalities. He chairs the steering group of the Scottish clinical leadership development program and is a member of the NHS Scotland leadership board. He is a member of the technical board of Milbank Memorial Fund and is on the steering group of the WHO Violence Prevention Alliance. From 2004 -2008 he was Deputy Chief Medical Officer to the Scottish Government. Peter has recently been appointed as President/Chief Executive Officer of Public Health Ontario. Catherine L. Ward is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. She holds a PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology from the University of South Carolina, USA. Her research interests are in violence prevention from the perspective of children's development, and particularly in public health approaches to this. Cathy serves on the Steering Committee of the University of Cape Town's Safety and Violence Initiative, an interdisciplinary research initiative that seeks to understand violence and promote safety. The Safety and Violence Initiative is a member of the World Health Organization's Violence Prevention Alliance (VPA), and Cathy herself co-leads the VPA Parenting Project Group with Christopher Mikton from WHO and Theresa Kilbane from UNICEF. In addition, she is on the Editorial Boards for the South African Crime Quarterly, Psychosocial Interventions, and Child Abuse and Neglect journals.