Catherine Charcosset Author

Angelo Basile, officially qualified as a Full Professor at university in the subject “Sistems, Methods and Technologies of the Chemical Engineering Processes”, until 2020 was a senior researcher at the Italian National Research Council (CNR), wherein he developed membranes for gas purification and membrane reactors for pure hydrogen production. His prolific research works have been published in numerous papers and conference proceedings, and he has also produced various Italian (8), European (3 )and worldwide (1)patents. Basile has edited more than 60 scientific books and 60 special journal issues on membrane science and technology. He is an associate editor of various international journals (like IJHE) and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Membrane Science & Technology; and member of the editorial board of more 20 int. journals. Angelo Basile’s h-index 51, on the areas: Energy, Chem. Eng., Env. Science, Materials Science, Chemistry, ( – 21 March 2022). Today Basile is a R&D Manager at ECO2Energy (Rome) and Hydrogenia (Genoa), both societies under the umbrella of the European society Greeninvest; he also is offcially collaborating with the Dept. of Eng. at the University Campus Bio-medical of Rome. Catherine Charcosset got her PhD from Compiègne University (France) and then spent 2 years as a postdoctoral fellow at MIT (Boston, USA). She was appointed research scientist at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France) first as a junior and then as a senior scientist. Her field of research concerns membrane and membrane processes, especially in biotechnology and pharmaceutics as well as for drinking water treatment. Catherine Charcosset has been (or is) responsible for several national and international projects on membrane and membrane processes. She has supervised 15 PhD students and 20 Master students and has published over 100 papers and chapters in international journals and books, and 3 patents. She is the author of one book “Membrane Processes in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutics” published by Elsevier in 2012. She is co-editor with Angelo Basile of another book “Integrated Membrane Systems and Processes” published by Wiley in 2016.