Catalina E Kopetz Editor

Catalina E. Kopetz (PhD, University of Maryland, 2007) is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Wayne State University. Her research focuses on the mechanisms that underlie multiple goal pursuit and management of goal conflict and their implications for phenomena of high public health relevance (i.e. overeating, substance use, risky sexual behavior, drunk driving). She has published in prestigious journals spanning social and clinical psychology, prevention sciences, psychopharmacology, behavioral and brain sciences, as well as journals appealing to a broader audience such as Perspectives in Psychological Science, Current Directions in Psychological Science, and Psychological Review. Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (including NIDA and NIAAA).

Carl W. Lejuez (PhD, West Virginia University, 2000) is the Director of the Center for Addictions, Personality, and Emotion Research and Professor of Psychology at the University of Maryland. Dr. Lejuez's research is translational in nature; he uses laboratory methods to understand mechanisms of addiction and seeks to apply this information in the development of novel assessment and treatment strategies. His research spans the clinical domains of addictions, personality pathology, and mood disorders, and he is most interested in the common processes across these conditions. Lejuez’s research has been funded continuously by NIH (including NIDA, NIAAA, NCI, and NIA) since 2002 and he has published over 200 papers (10,000 citations according to Google Scholar). He is the founding editor of the Journal Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment and serves on the editorial board of five other journals including Clinical Psychology Review and Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.