Casey Major-Bunce Author

Casey Major-Bunce is a Mum of 4 from Portsmouth, heralded 'an inspiration' and 'a genius' by other mums as she pushes forward on her mission to help and inspire mums with her cost-effective, time saving and most importantly FUN hacks.

Her top fans include celebrity influencers Mrs Hinch, who regularly uses and shares Casey's hacks, and Stacey Solomon. After starting her account during lockdown, Casey began to share hacks in October 2022 and rose to over 20K in just 8 weeks with mums flocking to try out her hacks and seasonal tips and tricks. Since then, her audience has grown to over 353K followers on Instagram, 157.5K on TikTok, with millions of Reel views and over 1.2M likes on TikTok.

As featured in The Sun, The Mirror, Huffington Post and on BBC 5 Live, Casey is known as the go-to expert for birthdays and seasonal hacks, and is on a mission to empower mums to save time, money and stress. She has hacks for every season, every day, and every event, and loves helping others.