Cary Brown Editor

Andrew Green trained in occupational therapy in York and is now a specialist occupational therapist in North Bristol NHS Trust's sleep disorders service at the Rosa Burden Centre. He has higher degrees from the University of Exeter and the University of Southampton. Since 1999 he has been involved in group and individual cognitive behavioural management of insomnia and has become increasingly involved in the behavioural management of other sleep disorders. He is co-editor of Sleep: Multi-Professional Perspectives, also published by JKP. He lives in Bristol, UK. Cary Brown practiced as an occupational therapist and department manager in Canada and Saudi Arabia and has held academic appointments in Canada and the UK. She completed her PhD at the University of Liverpool and is currently an associate professor in the Occupational Therapy program at the University of Alberta. These diverse experiences underpin her research program of knowledge transfer, sleep deficiency and pain across the lifespan. Cary publishes and presents regularly at national and international conferences on these topics. Her work in knowledge translation strategies received the Canadian Pain Society - Pain Awareness Award 2010. She lives in Edmonton, Canada.