Where Is Max? - Avei se Makasi
Caroline Richard Raomae - Paperback
The Taboo Island
Where Is Max? - Ade i koe Makisi?
The Coconut Tree
Where Is Max? - Bi Sa Kui Makisi?
Where Is Max? - Lainio Vo Makisi?
Fruit Count - Qana Pata Ureure
Dinner Time
I Like To Plant Trees
Two Silly Frogs
Fruit Count - Warekani Maitin Uanikai
At the Beach
The Weather
Fruit Count - Epa Ko Ataeko
Who Is Sick?
Where Is Max? - ?Wea Nao Maks?
Where Is Max? - E nga Max?
Island Music
The Little Whale
Fruit Count - Duṉae Petea Vuqata
Where Is Max?
Fruit Count - Hao Fo Kaontem Frut
Fruit Count - Nae vua huda
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