Caroline Mongruel Eleutério dos Santos Editor

Felipe Richter Reis is Professor at the Federal Institute of Parana, campus Colombo and is also professor at the Graduate Program in Food Engineering, Federal University of Parana. He earned his BSc in Food Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, his MSc in Food Technology from the Federal University of Parana, Brazil, and his DSc in Food Engineering from the same institution. He has published three books on food science by a worldclass publisher and is continuously publishing scientific material in this field.

Caroline Mongruel Eleutério dos Santos is Professor at the Federal Institute of Parana, campus Colombo. She earned her BSc in Food Engineering and her MSc in Food Science and Technology from the State University of Ponta Grossa, Brazil, and her DSc in Food Engineering from the Federal University of Parana, Brazil. The theme of her DSc thesis was “Influence of Amino Acids on the Formation of Volatile Compounds in Cider.” Besides teaching, she advises students of the Food Technician Course in their curricular projects and conducts practical research and extension projects in the field of Food Science and Technology.