Town is the Garden Chapbooks
2 contributors - Paperback
Joss Allen can be found at the edges of the garden, amongst the weeds and compost heaps. He is an artworker and gardener exploring how creative practices can shape earthy politics, community economies and ecological ways of being, in playful, radical, responsive and meaningful ways. Through his work, he likes to engender collaborations across disciplines, peer educate, tell stories and build communities. His work has been influenced by his time as a support worker for adults with autism, a labourer on an organic farm and a refuse collector, among others. He recently co-ordinated a three-year community food growing project, Town is the Garden (2017–20), with Deveron Projects, Huntly, Scotland. Joss currently lives in Helsinki, Finland where he is in the process of establishing a local seed library and pursuing a Ph.D research project on seed saving and story.
Caroline Gatt is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, University of Graz and Co-Investigator on the project '(Musical) Improvisation and Ethics' funded by the Austrian Science Fund. She is an anthropologist and performer, and her research interests include collaborative anthropology, environmentalism, laboratory theatre, design anthropology, ontological politics and ethical self-formation. She is author of 'Breathing Beyond Embodiment: Exploring Emergence, Grief and Song in Laboratory Theatre' (2020), and An Ethnography of Global Environmentalism: Becoming Friends of the Earth (2018) and editor of the special issue of Collaborative Anthropologies 'Considering Onto/Epistemology in Collaboration' (2018), and The Voices of the Pages (2017).