Caroline Dickson Author

Georgios graduated as a Registered General Nurse in Athens, Greece, before moving to Cardiff in 2014 and completing his master’s degree in Advanced Practice Education for Health Professionals. His clinical experience is in acute medical admission wards and emergency departments across Greece and the UK.  He is a lecturer in nursing and also a doctoral candidate at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. His teaching activities include nursing skills and procedures. Caroline Dickson has been a Registered Nurse since 1985 and has considerable experience within community nursing, particularly district nursing, general practice nursing and practice development. In 2003 she moved into higher education at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh where she is Senior Lecturer in Community Nursing and Programme Leader for the PGDip Person-centred Practice (District Nursing). She also contributes to the undergraduate nursing programme from a community nursing perspective and is an Honorary District Nurse in NHS Borders and in clinical practice one day per month. Caroline is currently Chair of the RCN District Nursing Forum and a member of the Association of District Nurse Educators. She was a member of the Steering Group that developed the Queen’s Nursing Institute voluntary standards for District Nurse Education and Practice (2016). She also been a member of a variety of national groups developing district and community nursing services in Scotland and the UK. She is a member of the International Practice Development Collaborative. She regularly reviews papers for a number of journals including the British Journal of Community Nursing, International Practice Development Journal, Journal of Nursing Management and the International Journal of Older People, and she has held External Examiner positions in various universities throughout the UK.