Carolina Cambre Editor

Katie Warfield is a lecturer in the Department of Journalism and Communication at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada, and Director of the Visual Media Workshop. Her recent writings have appeared in Social Media + Society, Feminist Media Studies, Language and Literacy, and Feminist Issues, 6th ed. Crystal Abidin is Postdoctoral Fellow with the Media Management and Transformation Centre (MMTC) at Jönköping University, Sweden, Researcher with Handelsrådet (Swedish Retail and Wholesale Development Council), and Adjunct Researcher with the Centre for Culture and Technology (CCAT) at Curtin University, Australia. Carolina Cambre is Assistant Professor of Education at Concordia University, Canada. Her interests include the politics of communication, the issue of representation, critical policy analysis & critical visual sociology and anthropology, all with an eye to social justice issues as well as community and identity broadly speaking.