Carole A Barbato Author & Editor

The late Carole A. Barbato was professor of communication studies at Kent State University. She published a book, several book chapters, and a number of journal articles in her field, including an article on the Kent State shootings in the Journal of Loss and Trauma. Barbato died in 2014.Laura L. Davis is Professor Emerita of English at Kent State University. She is editor of "Freya of the Seven Isles" in the 'Twixt Land and Sea volume of the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad and three essay collections on Conrad and on Virginia Woolf. She and the late Carole Barbato team taught Kent State's permanent course on May 4th, are coauthors of an essay on the shootings in Time It Was: American Stories from the Sixties, with two colleagues wrote a successful nomination to place the May 4th site on the National Register of Historic Places, and created a walking tour of the May 4th site