Post-Socialist Urban Infrastructures (OPEN ACCESS)
3 contributors - Hardback
Tauri Tuvikene is an urban geographer at Tallinn University. His research deals with comparative urbanism in relation to post-socialist cities. He has published on conceptualizations of post-socialism, garage areas in (post-)Soviet urban spaces and urban (transport) infrastructures, including the politics of parking and walking in an urban environment.
Wladimir Sgibnev defended his PhD degree at Humboldt University's Central Asian studies department addressing the social production of space in urban Tajikistan. Currently, he is Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (Leipzig), working on urban processes in post-Soviet countries, particularly urban development and mobility in peripheralized locations.
Carola S. Neugebauer studied landscape architecture and urban design in Germany and France. She is Associate Professor at the RWTH Aachen University. Taking up an interdisciplinary and comparative stance on cities, her research has been focused on urban transformations, planning and cultural heritage in Central Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space.