Carol Tomlin Author & Editor

Paul C. Mocombe is president/CEO of The Mocombeian Foundation, Inc., and assistant professor of sociology and philosophy at West Virginia State University. A social theorist interested in the application of social theory to contemporary issues such as race, class, and capitalism (globalization), he is the author of several books including The Liberal Black Protestant Heterosexual Bourgeois Male: From W.E.B. Du Bois to Barack Obama, The Soul-less Souls of Black Folk: A Sociological Reconsideration of Black Consciousness as Du Boisian Double Consciousness, and Education in Globalization. Carol Tomlin has teaching experiences both nationally and internationally. She is senior lecturer/assistant professor at the University of Wolverhampton and was awarded one of the University's Learning and Teaching Rewarding Excellence Awards (2005). Tomlin has a research background in the language and education. She is the author of Black Language Style is Sacred and Secular Contexts and The Urban Teacher Programme at Wheelock College in Boston Massachusetts: Models of Recruitment, Retention and Teacher Preparation, and is co-author of Writing Performances of African Heritage Students in two Urban Cities: Birmingham; England and Kingston.