Carol Hogan Editor

Anne Elvey is an adjunct research fellow at Monash University and an honorary research associate with MCD University of of Divinity. She is the author of An Ecological Feminist Reading of the Gospel of Luke: A Gestational Paradigm (2005) and The Matter of the Text: Material Engagements between Luke and the Five Senses (2011).

Carol Hogan is a member of the Congregation of the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament, where she lived an enclosed contemplative life for fifteen years. Since the advent of Vatican II, she has worked as a chaplain at the University of Melbourne, and in 2007 completed her doctoral thesis, Eucharist Metamorphosis: Changing Symbols - Changing Lives.

Kim Power was a founding member of the Golding Centre for the study of Women's History, Theology and Spirituality at Australian Catholic University. She is the author of Veiled Desire: Augustine on Women.