Intrusion Detection Networks
2 authors - Hardback
Carol Fung is an assistant professor of computer science at the Virginia Commonwealth University (USA). She received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in computer science from the university of Manitoba (Canada), and her PhD degree in computer science from the university of Waterloo (Canada). Her research interests include collaborative intrusion detection networks, social networks, security issues in mobile networks and medical systems, location-based services for mobile phones, and machine learning in intrusion detection. She is the recipient of the best dissertation awards in IM2013, the best student paper award in CNSM2011 and the best paper award in IM2009. She received numerous prestige awards and scholarships including Google Anita Borg scholarship, NSERC Postdoc fellowship, David Cheriton Scholarship, NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship, and President’s graduate scholarship. She has been a visiting scholar at POSTECH (South Korea), a software engineer at Google, and a research staff at BlackBerry. Raouf Boutaba is a professor of computer science at the University of Waterloo (Canada) and a distinguished visiting professor at POSTECH (South Korea). He served as a distinguished speaker of the IEEE Communications Society and the IEEE Computer Society. He is the founding chair of the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Autonomic Communications, and the founding Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (2007-2010). He is currently on the advisory editorial board of the Journal of Network and Systems Management, and on the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, the IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials, the KICS/IEEE Journal of Communications and Networks, the International Journal on Network Management (ACM/Wiley), the Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Wiley) and the Journal on Internet Services and Applications (Springer). His research interests include resource and service management in networked systems. He has published extensively in these areas and received several journal and conference best paper awards such as the IEEE 2008 Fred W. Ellersick Prize Paper Award, the 2001 KICS/IEEE Journal on Communications and Networks Best Paper Award, the IM 2007 and 2009 and the CNSM 2010 Best Paper Awards among others. He also received several recognitions such as the Premier’s Research Excellence Award, Nortel research excellence Awards, a fellowship of the Faculty of Mathematics, David R. Cheriton faculty fellowships, outstanding performance awards at Waterloo and the NSERC discovery accelerator award. He has also received the IEEE Communications Society Hal Sobol Award and the IFIP Silver Core in 2007, the IEEE Communications Society Joe LociCero award and the IFIP/IEEE Dan Stokesbury award in 2009, and the IFIP/IEEE Salah Aidarous award in 2012. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the EIC.