Carol D Goodheart Author

Carol D. Goodheart, EdD, is in independent practice in Princeton, New Jersey, USA, and is past president of APA. Her career integrates practice, scholarship, and service to psychology.

Dr. Goodheart works at the intersection of physical and mental health, practice and science, humanism and scholarship.

Before becoming a psychologist, Dr. Goodheart trained as a nurse. She worked in urban emergency medicine and intensive care, as well as rural public health on two Native American reservations. She earned her doctorate in counseling psychology from Rutgers University, and she specializes in the treatment of individuals, couples, and families coping with physical diseases or disabilities.

In addition to her practice, she has served at Rutgers University's Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology in a number of roles: clinical supervisor, contributing faculty, and committee on continuing education.

She is a founding partner of two organizations: PsychHealth, PA, a multi-specialty mental health practice offering treatment services, program design, and consultation, primarily in health psychology; and W2W, LLC, dedicated to the development and dissemination of materials designed to build strengths, promote health, and enhance quality of life for women.